L.A. River Revitalization-
The Water Garden
Arts District in Downtown L.A., CA
Architecture 402a at University of Southern California
This bike-hub park focuses on the blend between water and landscape by bringing the river into the site and treating the building program as solid, mass-like landscape elements. Both of these elements meet right at the center of the site. This design breaks the physical barrier that the original railway created between the river and the site by treating it as a bridge. By opening up the site, a new identity is created for the river. The main program elements– storage for a riverfront bike-share program, open exhibition spaces for temporary art installations, and live-work loft spaces for a downtown artist-in-residency program– are located along the eastern side of the site to form a barrier from the surrounding unappealing buildings. The massing strategy revolves around the concept of growing from the ground, a move which is also reflected in the language of the window openings. Furthermore, the planted skin system creates the true identity of the landscape. On the larger whole, this design revolves around the idea of connections through and beyond the site, one of which is to the Long Beach bike hub.
Floor Plans


Facade Planting Diagram

3-D Printed Model